Joined on 11/2/10
Posted by YichenWang - November 2nd, 2010
just wonder, nothin more~! enjoy the music
Keric 2010-11-02 14:51:08
Your music is good! That much I can say. I hope to hear more from you in the future, Yichen Wang! %u6700%u597D%u5728%u4F60%u672A%u6765% u597D%u8FD0%uFF01
YichenWang 2010-11-02 14:51:08
thx, i'm new here. i still try to figure out how to use this. you know, do some decoration, put some new music on it.
thanks for visiting :P
Keric 2010-11-02 14:51:43
Erhm.. That says "Best of luck in your future!" so ignore or change the comment!
Your music is good! That much I can say. I hope to hear more from you in the future, Yichen Wang! %u6700%u597D%u5728%u4F60%u672A%u6765%
thx, i'm new here. i still try to figure out how to use this.
you know, do some decoration, put some new music on it.
thanks for visiting :P